School Nutrition News
The mission and vision of Radford City School Nutrition Department acknowledges the vital link between student well-being and academic success. Our mission is to empower students to cultivate enduring healthy practices by providing nourishing meals, promoting nutrition education and physical activity, and fostering wellness collaborations within our community.
*Ala Carte items are not included with the free breakfast and lunch for students*
Community Eligibility Provision
FREE BREAKFAST and LUNCH will be provided to ALL students attending a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school. The schools listed below are identified as CEP schools for SY24-25:
- McHarg Elementary School
- Belle Heth Elementary School
- Dalton Intermediate School
- Radford High School
Families of students attending these CEP schools DO NOT need to complete the Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals. A la carte items are not included in CEP and must be paid for, including milk.
Menu Changes
Please note that school closings and seasonal availability cause the School Nutrition Program to change food items from the original menu. Parents cannot always be notified in advance of the change due to uncertainty of the number of days closed, possible equipment failure, and product delivery disruptions. We thank you in advance for your understanding
Supply Chain Issues
Nationwide supply chain issues due to both raw product and labor shortages will require us to alter menus with little or no notice. We will make menu substitutions based on the products we are able to receive. Menu changes will vary by school based on product availability.
Meal Account Refund Request
Online Meal Application
My School Bucks
Special Dietary Needs Form
School Meal Viewer
RCPS Wellness Policy
Triennial Assessment Wellness Policy