What is Title I?
Title I, Part A is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance through state educational agencies to school divisions and public schools with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards. RCPS uses Title I funds for a schoolwide program that is designed to upgrade our entire educational programs for all students, particularly the lowest-achieving students.
What is a Schoolwide Program?
-Schools must have 40% poverty or greater to implement a Schoolwide program.
-Funds are used to improve the overall academic program of the school.
-McHarg and Belle Heth Elementary are both schoolwide programs.
-A Title I Schoolwide team must annually develop or review a schoolwide plan that includes the following:
-Comprehensive needs assessment
-School-wide reform strategies
-Provision for instruction by highly qualified professional staff
-Strategies for increasing parental involvement
-Plans to facilitate the transition from preschool to elementary school
-Measures for including teacher input to improve student performance and the overall instructional program
-Provision of assistance to struggling students
Schoolwide Plan
Family Engagement
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), divisions and schools have specific expectations for informing and involving parents and families in the educational process.
RCPS PFE policy
Belle Heth PFE policy
McHarg PFE policy
-Involve parents in planning division-level Title I services and family support through a Parent Advisory Committee.
-Build capacity within schools for effectively engaging parents and families.
-Collaborate with parents and other stakeholders to evaluate and address barriers to family engagement in Title I communities.
-Develop with and distribute to all families a school-level parent and family engagement policy and compact.
-Offer a variety of opportunities for families to be engaged in family engagement events.
-Include parents in the planning and improvement of school programs.
-Help families understand the academic standards and assessments expected of their children.
-Provide materials and training for families to support student learning and increase family engagement.
-Provide materials for families in other languages, whenever possible.
- To fulfill the requirements of the Virginia Literacy Act, every family will have access to online resources to support literacy development at home, and will be able to participate in the development of their child's student reading plan, if their child does not meet literacy benchmarks.
Additional Title I Information and Forms
Parent Notification Letter Right to Request Information 24-25
Parent Notification of Assessment Opt Out 2024-2025.pdf
EL Parent Notification Letter
Certificate of Pay RCPS Template